Elle a le gars dans l'axe 2 fois, et ne le touche pas. At the annual Lakewood Halloween Dance, Audrey alerts Emma of her findings, but Emma doubts this, upsetting Audrey. The town's sheriff is also killed and his severed head is placed on the doorstep of Alex's mansion. J'ai plusieurs amis qui regardent aussi et on avait tous des suspects differents ! TV Series Finale. Jeremy suddenly reappears outside a window and begs Emma and Brooke to let him in. Tom takes off the costume and gets her to let him in the room with her by pretending to be Alex. However, he escapes and discovers a picture of Billie and the real Alex Whitman, revealing the Alex they know is an imposter and the killer; Alex, whose real name is Tom Martin, then kills Jeremy. Emma has a bad dream of Kieran getting stabbed by the killer. Episode List; TV Schedule; Details. Nous voici donc au moment de vérité, le dernier épisode de la saison et la révélation de l'identité du tueur. Oui et non. Scream: The TV Series season 2 episode 14. At the motel, Eddie is murdered with a corkscrew by the killer in Kevin's room. Malheureusement, les patients empoisonnés par le tueur lors de la soirée d'Halloween sont retrouvés tous morts. Brooke lures Branson to a hotel room and threatens to kill him if he does not confess to killing Jake, to no avail. He is then caught by police and arrested for the murders as well as his relationship with Brooke. Audrey is certain that Jeremy committed the murders due to him bringing them to the island to begin with and that he has the shears. Jeremy disappears after the party. He woke up the next afternoon and took a swim to wash the drunk off. Audrey begins suspecting Eli as the killer after a fight between him and Kieran leads to Emma telling Audrey about a restraining order against Eli by a girl in Atlanta. Nous passerons sur l'utilisation un peu abusive des codes post-modernes du genre, pourtant bien maitrisés jusqu'à présent, comme sur les soupçons trop appuyés concernant Eli qui de ce fait est innocent (un peu trop grossier comme fausse piste mais bon), pour nous attarder sur la révélation de l'identité du tueur : Kieran. Tyler is pronounced dead when his body is found in the wreckage of the car crash; they do not find his head. At the party, the killer injures Audrey and Brooke but they survive. L’hôpital est en manque de sang. Everyone has secrets. The teens decide to let Jeremy in, as Alex has a shotgun (from his great-grandfather) to shoot him with if he tries to kill anyone. He impersonates Tyler, which makes Riley question if he is still alive or not. Tom also reveals he did not kill Kieran and does not know who did. Zoe discovers Audrey's secret on Noah's podcast and e-mails it to an unknown person. On October 14, 2016, Scream was renewed for a third season. The cops eventually break up the party to find Haley's corpse hanging in front of a banner that says "Face the mask". At the annual Lakewood carnival, Audrey tries to work up the courage to tell Emma about her involvement with Piper. Emma and Noah investigate a tip from Eddie at the local amusement park. Mais le changement de cap du personnage et l'explication un brin foireuse (sans parler du jeu outrancier du comédien) termine de nous gâcher ce beau moment. Episode List. Tom further reveals that he only killed people who could have recognized him as an imposter, hence why he didn't try and kill any of Emma's friends. On October 14, 2016, Scream was renewed for a third season. Her death raises questions and causes yet another rift between Emma and Audrey. Pour la sauver, Eli utilise ses dernières forces en se jetant sur Kieran mais se fait descendre, et définitivement cette fois. Noah takes over Piper's podcast and talks about the possibility of Piper having an accomplice, noting the night her and Will were attacked. Pourtant, dans une ultime coup de théâtre, Scream nous rappelle qu'il peut encore nous intriguer et même nous exciter. Everyone is fair game. Emma comes back from questioning, confronts Kieran and sees that Haley has been talking about her behind her back. Surtout que toutes les intrigues secondaires qui restaient en suspens et devaient trouver leur explication dans cette conclusion (la vraie raison des manipulations d'Eli, le but final du professeur Lang, le passé lourd du Shérif et de Maggie) est purement et simplement passé à la trappe, relégué à l'année prochaine. Emma finds Jake's phone in her bag, while everyone questions who put it there. It is the fourteenth episode of Season 2 and the twenty fourth episode of the series overall. Malheureusement, suite aux deux précédents épisodes de très haut niveau, nous avions peut-être placé de trop grandes attentes dans cette conclusion un brin précipité. Mais finalement, ce massacre sert de pub à l’hôpital qui est rempli de nouveaux patients. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. I'm Emma Duval, I don't need you!" Emma's father reveals the truth about a past incident when Emma was young. At Noah's house, Emma finds a news article on Will's funeral and notices Eli standing in the background. Audrey attempts to bury the bloody corkscrew but the killer recovers it and she finds it in her bed the next morning. https://scream.fandom.com/wiki/Halloween_II?oldid=182914, The title of the episode is a homage to the 1981 slasher horror film, ". A memorial takes place for all of the victims of the killer. Anna later died from her injuries. Je trouve votre critique beaucoup trop sévère, Personnellement j'avais trouvé avec le final que Kieran serait le tueur et croyez le ou non j'avais meme trouvé son mobile. The killer sets the abandoned house on fire, forcing Eli and Emma to flee. Denise est en état de mort cérébrale après l'attaque du tueur. Ingrid, qui est en fait la sœur de Agatha Bean, la bonne des Chanel à l'université Wallace, décide de passer à la vitesse supérieure pour venger la mort de sa sœur dont le visage a été brulé par Chanel avec une friteuse trafiquée par Hester. Gina gets angry, assuming that Audrey thinks that she is the killer, and leaves Audrey alone. Emma finds herself not being able to trust her father when he plans to leave Lakewood again without telling her. This leads them all to strongly suspect Eli is the killer. Ici, nous n'avons qu'un digest de ce qu'il aurait fallu faire. L'équipe décide d'organiser une soirée d'Halloween à l’hôpital pour attirer le tueur mais rien ne se passe comme prévu. While the killer stabs Haley to death, Emma and Audrey find Piper's long dead corpse (which was never found until now). Meanwhile, Piper, a provocative podcaster comes to Lakewood to report on the town's murders, past and present. Chanel décide donc de proposer à Cathy de l'embaucher. Noah gets more information on Piper's accomplice and takes his investigations further. After Jake's body falls in the theatre, Sheriff Acosta puts the school into lock down. The killer causes the police car containing Emma and Audrey to crash, kills the driver, and helps the girls free themselves, who take the driver's gun.
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