Celibacy is not practised by the priests, but they are not allowed to marry a second time, and no one is admitted into the order who has eaten bread with a Christian, or is the son or grandson of a man thus contaminated. He accepte that office because, as he frankly informed the deputies, he ha(found no one who for his services rendered to his country his authority with the people and his separation from part~. No one followed him, let alone spoke to him. "That's strange," she said to no one in particular. But then, no one mentioned a child, either. At last the pope - to his own bitter regret afterwards - gave what was desired on the express conditions named, that Campeggio was to show it to the king and Wolsey and no one else, and then destroy it, the two legates holding their court under the general commission. Vinnie hadn't been marked because no one knew he'd accompanied the boys, until the twins came out from under their rock the prior weekend and were quickly nabbed and "questioned.". She'd accepted her father, because there was no one else who understood her. r-3a), or he has no one to whom to leave it, and he cannot keep it - naked man comes into the world, naked he goes out. The cock has a fine yellow bill and a head bearing a rounded crest of filamentous feathers; lanceolate scapulars overhang the wings, and from the rump spring the long flowing plumes which are so characteristic of the species, and were so highly prized by the natives before the Spanish conquest that no one was allowed to kill the bird when taken, but only to divest it of its feathers, which were to be worn by the chiefs alone. Tertullian exhausted the resources of dialectic in the endeavour to define and vindicate the relation of the spiritualists to the "psychic" Christians; but no one will say he has succeeded in clearing the Montanistic position of its fundamental inconsistency. No one wise at all times. But, however gratifying such an elevation might be, it was distinctly prejudicial, at first, to Hungary's domestic affairs, for no one else at this time, in Hungary, possessed either the prestige or the popularity of Andrassy. When I give an order, no one disobeys me. simply says, "To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice.". The further good news was that no one seemed to be immediately concerned with addressing Martha's present circumstances. 66. Bourquin, pp. I'm sorry if the lab caused problems, but no one has to sleep there again, at least with Quinn's gizmos operating. Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had. have led most scholars to the conclusion that no one system of 2nd-century gnosticism is before the writer's mind. The wise man and the ignorant, the enthusiast and the man of the world, could all find acceptance here, and there was laid on no one more than he was able and willing to bear. Castrum Cerrucium, Castel-sur-Azine (from the neighbouring stream, Azine) and Castellum Sarracenum are suggested derivations, no one of which can be adopted with certainty. No-one wishes to see that. Two were reading different sections of a newspaper while Roger was stirring his coffee and chatting, although no one seemed to be listening. You have to tell the truth that no one else knows. Each clan usually possesses land, and over this no one member has an exclusive right, but all have an equal right to use it. And of our own Christianity, Robertson Smith remarks as follows: "The host in the Mass is artistically as much inferior to the Venus of Milo as a Semitic Masseba was, but no one will say that medieval Christianity is a lower form of religion than Aphrodite worship.". 5. He hadn't been sent to Hell yet, indicating no one had found his soul, but the thought lingered in the back of his mind. In the Posterior Analytics (i. In the late eighties/early nineties Nintendo were well and truly king of the Video Games Industry; Mario was selling by the bucket load and it seemed as though no-one could possibly topple their all-powerful dominance. ], agrees with Sophocles' Trachiniae as to the hero's end.) If Dulce had a boyfriend, no one had mentioned it. "Damian's gonna be so pissed," Darian said to no one in particular. By no one have the ruff's characteristics been more happily described than by J. The gods whom they worshipped belonged essentially to the earth; the fertile field, trees and mountains, headlands and rivers and springs, were believed to be inhabited by different divinities, who were therefore primarily local, many in number, with no one in particular supreme over the rest. But let no one eat or drink of your Thanksgiving (Eucharist), but they who have been baptized into the name of the Lord; for concerning this the Lord hath said, Give not that which is holy unto the dogs.'. The driver had driven in circles and down every back alley he could find until Jule was confident there was no one tailing them. I rang the bell and I could see shadow movement behind the thin drapes but no one answered. Of course, what goes on between you two in this big lonely house when no one else is around is between the two of you. Two positions on which he repeatedly insisted have taken a firm hold - first, that it is of the essence of a church to be comprehensive of various views and tendencies, and that a national church especially should seek to represent all the elements of the life of the nation; secondly, that subscription to a creed can bind no one to all its details, but only to the sum and substance, or the spirit, of the symbol. All the thermodynamic relations we have deduced hold on any theory of solution and favour no one theory rather than another. It is said that Eleazar, the priest who guarded the treasure, offered Crassus the golden beam as ransom for the whole, knowing, what no one else knew, that it was mainly composed of wood. There was no trail indicating the extent of Sirian's betrayal, no one to reveal his plans but him and the small army holed up near the northern wall. 's reign was succeeded by an adventurous foreign policy directed mainly against France; and Fox complained that no one durst do anything in opposition to Wolsey's wishes. Mad with pain, he seizes Lichas, the messenger who had brought the fatal garment, and hurls him on the rocks; and then he wanders in agony to Mount Oeta, where he mounts a pyre, which, however, no one will kindle. There are details no one could know unless they were right there when it was happening and that can't be. The emotions she'd buried when she'd thought no one was coming for her bubbled. "No one knows her identity, and no one else sees her," Kris said firmly. Since no one presented himself to refute him, the town council ratified his conclusions, so that the city of Zurich practically withdrew from the Roman Catholic Church. On the 15th of November he was assassinated, and as no one was punished for this crime the insolence of the disorderly elements increased, and shots were exchanged with the Swiss Guard. On the 7th the Hungarian diet formally refused to acknowledge the title of the new king, " as without the knowledge and consent of the diet no one could sit on the Hungarian throne," and called the nation to arms. I now have no-one, like you. She made sure her computer was solely a word processor with no on line capabilities so no one could ever hack into it. Of the numerous groups composing the German parliament no one ever secured a majority, and in the absence of such a majority the imperial government, practically independent of parliament, knew how to secure its assent to its measures by a process of bargaining with each group in turn. His truck was in the drive, but no one answered the door, so she walked down to the barn. A provision intended to prevent lobbying is that no one except legislators and the representatives of the press may be admitted to the floor of the House except by unanimous vote. He was a son of the 18th century; he had studied with sympathy Locke and Montesquieu; no one appreciated more keenly than he did political liberty and the freedom of an Englishman. Often the word thus extruded is irrecoverable; Ginevra, 125 sqq., "The matin winds from the expanded flowers I Scatter their hoarded incense and awaken I The earth, until the dewy sleep is shaken From every living heart which it possesses I Through seas and winds, cities and wildernesses"; the second "winds" is a repetition of the first, but what should stand in its place, - "lands" or "strands" or "waves" or something else - no one can say. How much was fact and how much fancy no one knew. Constant controversy has existed as to what is the actual original home of the tea-plant, and probably no one has given to the subject more careful study than Professor Andreas Krassnow, of Kharkoff University. When no one said anything she sighed, her attention on Carmen. Their joint realization that no one would ever speak with Billy Langstrom again was sobering. 3. No-one had eaten for hours. In religion Rousseau was undoubtedly what he has been called above - a sentimental deist; but no one who reads him with the smallest attention can fail to see that sentimentalism was the essence, deism the accident of his creed. After the decay of Richborough harbour the passage from Dover to Whitsand, and later to Calais, became the accustomed route to France, and by a statute of 1465 no one might ship for Calais except at Dover. Devoting himself to the conquest of the lands lying along the shore of the Baltic, Henry succeeded as no one before him had ever done. "I'm pretty sure no one can," Past-Death admitted. But no one can permanently carry on the government of a great country by speeches from the balcony of a house in the capital, and Lamartine found himself in a dilemma. "The duties of each office separately are so weighty that no one can rightly discharge them. If Cortez were an example of what lay ahead, no one would go hungry. Life was empty without him and no one seemed to be anxious to replace him - especially her parents. What was down that path that no one wanted to talk about, and why did Giddon insist that his houseguest should not wander around alone? She froze then looked around to ensure no one was there to overhear them. However this may be, it is certain that this story, though not directly asserted to be true, was indirectly pointed at by Henry when he put forward his claim, and no one was then bold enough to challenge it. We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. In his two former capacities all will admire the form of his work, while some will question the value of his results; but in his two latter capacities no one will dispute either. They were established at a time when industry was not free, and the government fixed the number of artisans of every kind of trade in each town, no one having 'the right to increase that number. Of course, no one had ever expected the nuke attacks to happen, even someone involved in the insurgent organization blamed for them. While Cynthia skipping with Jeffrey was next to impossible for Dean to buy, no one could convince him she would abandon her son. There was no dispute as to his possessing the authority in spiritual matters necessary to impose reform and overbear the resistance which might arise; no one was better qualified than he to treat with the holders of the temporal power and obtain the support which was necessary from them. But Weller told me in the hospital that in the confusion of getting Shipton out of the gorge, no one examined the bottom of the cliff, where he landed. A maximum price was fixed, above which no one was to buy or sell under severe penalties. Dean crawled on his hands and knees, peering under the vehicle for Billy's young girlfriend but there was no one else, only a liquor bottle—unlike its victim, unbroken. I told you once I'd make it so no one you love ever died. She wrote it and no one forced her to do so.
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