Select the new color that you want to apply to the object and click OK. There are a number of tools and features in Photoshop that apply color. To decrease brush size, press the left bracket key several times. This is similar to Layer Blend modes in the Layers panel. Or, if I want a bright, very saturated shade of blue I'll come up here for bright and over to the right, for saturated. I'll select that tool and then I'll move into the image and I'll click on a color, like this orange. 2. An alternative way to increase brush size is to press the right bracket key several times. The color that I choose, appears in this square in the new area. Post questions and get answers from experts. Drag the Saturation slider to the right to make all the colors in the photo more vivid. To finish this off I'm going to go up to the File menu and I'm going to choose Revert, which takes the image all the way back to the way it looked at the beginning of this video. And then I'll click and drag. A more specific way to saturate a particular range of colors is with the Targeted Adjustment tool. The Swatches panel and the Color panel. There are a couple other commonly used Brush options to take a look at. To set a foreground color all you have to do, is click on one of these chips. Use the Input Levels sliders in the Properties panel to brighten up the object. So that's a quick and easy way to change the color of an image in a photograph using the Brush tool and the Color blend mode. And it appears down here, in the Foreground Color box. So, for example, if I want a dark de-saturated blue I'll come down to the dark area and over to the left for the de-saturated shades of blue. Then click a spot in the large color box to choose the brightness and saturation of that color. I'll move into the image and I happen to have a white color swatch selected. The color you choose appears in the Foreground Color box in the Tools panel. Let's select the Quick Selection tool in the Tools panel and then move over the flower and click and drag to quickly select it. There are a number of different ways to set the foreground color. But hue isn't the only property of color. Add punch to particular colors in a photo with targeted Hue/Saturation adjustments. Each time I press, my Brush Tip gets smaller, by a set percentage. Save the image in PSD or TIFF format to retain layers. So, that's an introduction to where to store and access colors as you're working with the color tools. This saturates only a range of colors throughout the photo that is similar to the color on which you clicked. What you learned: To use tools that have brush tips, Store colors in the Foreground and Background color boxes. By the way, if you don't want to save this image you're welcome to close it, without saving by going up to the File menu and choosing Close. Post questions and get answers from experts. And each time I press, I get a larger brush stroke. And, if I go down to the bottom of the Tools panel, I'll find that same color there. When I have a color I'm happy with I'll click OK. And that color appears in the Foreground Color box at the bottom of the Tools panel. Click on a color in the photo, keep your mouse held down, and drag to the right in the photo. For example, you can drag the white slider to the left to brighten the object and drag the gray slider farther to the left to increase contrast. The color chips that you've used most recently appear here, at the top of the Swatches panel for easy access. You're welcome to use whichever of those methods is most convenient and most comfortable for you. So now I have red as my foreground color and orange as my background color. Which we'll take a look at in this video. Drag the Levels adjustment layer below the Color fill layer in the layer group. 1. Click anywhere on the image to sample the color under your cursor. With the Hue/Saturation adjustment layer selected in the Layers panel, go to the Properties panel to access the controls for this adjustment. When you're painting with the Brush tool on a photograph like this there's one Blend Mode you'll find particularly useful and that's the Color blend mode down here. If I want a larger brush stroke, I'll press the right bracket key. The object now appears to be filled with that solid color. And I'm going to select another color in the Swatches panel. We've already seen the Eyedropper tool which you can use to select a color by clicking on it in an image and this is very useful when you need to match a color to the colors already in an image. Next to the Opacity field in the Options bar, is the Blend Mode field. In this box, the Foreground Color box. These adjustments affect the third component of color—brightness—giving the object with its new color the appearance of texture and shading. With the Color fill layer still selected, open the Blending Modes menu in the Layers panel, and click the Color blending mode. Click a color with the Magic Eraser tool, and that color is erased, either in a contiguous area or throughout the image, depending on whether you have selected the Contiguous option in the Options bar. The color you chose appears in the Foreground Color box at the bottom of the Tools panel, ready for use. Now I'll go back to the Eyedropper tool and I'll click on another color in the image. You can also select a different brush tip to change how the brush strokes look.
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