Cela dit, c’est un excellent substitut si vous recherchez une alternative solide à l’application Adobe Illustrator sur Linux. Les concepteurs pourraient ne pas être entièrement satisfaitsInkscape, car il n’a pas l’ampleur du développement offert par Adobe. Outside of that, the other Adobe apps will not work. Voici les meilleures alternatives Adobe Illustrator pour Linux. Les utilisateurs ne peuvent tout simplement pas se rendre sur le site Web d’Adobe, télécharger un programme d’installation et commencer. Vector Paint propose un grand choix d'options de style de police et de texte. Conforme aux normes de format de fichier SVG, mais peut également exporter vers d'autres formats de fichiers, notamment les formats PNG, OpenDocument Drawing, DXF, sk1, PDF, EPS et PostScript. Karbon, l'application d'illustration qui fait partie intégrantede la suite bureautique Calligra. Au lieu de cela, pointez votre navigateur Web préféré sur ce lien et commencez à concevoir! Written by Divine Okoi. Vector Paint doesn’t need to be installed on any Linux distribution, and doesn’t use Flash so it’ll work on any open source browser users can get their hands on. Inkscape is the typical go-to vector graphic creation tool for Linux users, and even though it hasn’t been too … If you’re new to Linux and need Illustrator, another option is to run Adobe Creative Cloud via PlayOnLinux. Here are the best Adobe Illustrator alternatives for Linux. Donc, installer l'application sur Linux implique d'installer la suite complète. Inkscape is an open-source vector drawing application on par with Adobe Illustrator, in terms of features and options. Unfortunately, the company behind this software has no interest porting this software over to Linux. That being said still Xd interactions are much more fluid for some weird reason. The website is currently in beta form and I will periodically update the database with Windows software and the Linux equivalents and alternatives. This is a good alternative for those that can’t get the PlayOnLinux software, and Crossover may even have their own method of installing Adobe software! Alternatively, keep up with the developer’s GitHub and download the latest updates as they come. There was a time when Adobe offered Illustrator and Photoshop for Linux. Supports a wide variety of file formats like SVG, PNG, OpenDocument Drawings, DXF, sk1, PDF, EPS and PostScripts. If anyone has had any success in getting a Windows version of Adobe apps to run in Linux, I have not heard of it working. So, my Question is: How to create a VM on Ubuntu 18.04, and have it run an OS that supports Adobe. In a terminal, use git clone to download the code on your Linux PC. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. I would like to take Illustrator and Adobe xD along with me, but it appears short of running VMs there is no other solution. As you open the script, POL will warn you that “the signature on the script is not valid”. I have a feeling that Adobe discovered that the investment they had to make in the Windows and Mac platforms had to be their focus because the Linux platform was not well received. For years, Linux users have wanted to use tools like Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator and more. All Rights Reserved. Thanks to a talented Ne laissez pas le fait que Vector Paint soit dans un site Webnavigateur vous tromper, il a un pouvoir sérieux, comme le style de texte, l'exportation d'image via le format SVG, ainsi que la superposition et les fonctionnalités de grille similaires à des applications telles qu'Inkscape. PlayOnLinux’s ability to download multiple releases of Wine ensures that Creative Cloud works on a good amount of distributions with little fuss. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Adobe Creative Cloud Apps are relied upon by many people, but these programs have not been ported to Linux officially despite incessant requests from Linux users. Installation d'Adobe Illustrator via Creative Cloudsous Linux n’est pas un processus facile. Karbon est l'une des nombreuses applications inclusesdans la suite Calligra. Ces styles incluent le déplacement, la mise à l'échelle, la rotation et l'inclinaison. Here’s how to install PlayOnLinux on your favorite Linux distribution. /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/td-p/9992164, /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/m-p/9992165#M7452, /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/m-p/9992166#M7453, /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/m-p/9992167#M7454, /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/m-p/9992168#M7455, /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/m-p/9992169#M7456, /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/m-p/9992170#M7457, /t5/the-lounge/how-to-run-adobe-software-on-linux/m-p/9992171#M7458. Share you answer with us in the comments section below and feel free to make app suggestions. At some point during the installation process, PlayOnLinux will suggest you let the downloader tool download the Creative Cloud installer (rather than use one on the user has downloaded). Pros: Feature-rich, … Perhaps in the future Adobe will take Linux seriously as a platform and bring their software to fans of the open source platform. Le cloud Creative Cloud via PlayOnLinux n’est pas parfait, mais il vous permettra d’obtenir la même expérience Illustrator sous Linux que celle à laquelle vous êtes habitué sous Windows. Hosting Sponsored by : Linode Cloud Hosting, Vectr - A Free Premium Vector Graphics Editor for Linux, Chirp – An Electron-Based Twitter Client for Linux, Xorg or Wayland? Despite running through PlayOnLinux and Wine, users get access to the full suite of Adobe Illustrator features. Would an option not be to setup a Linux VM under a top-level Windows install? Jusque-là, les concepteurs utilisant Linux devront s’appuyer sur des alternatives telles que celles dont nous avons parlé dans cette liste. Navigate the pop-up dialog window to your home folder where you cloned the script to, and find a folder called “creative-cloud-linux”. For years, Linux users have wanted to use tools like Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Illustrator and more. Tout comme Adobe Illustrator, il offre une excellente application de conception vectorielle, complétée par la prise en charge de l'ajout de formes, la mise à l'échelle, un système de superposition complexe et d'autres fonctionnalités de dessin auxquelles les utilisateurs s'attendent. Creative Cloud cloud through PlayOnLinux isn’t perfect, but it will allow you to get roughly the same Illustrator experience on Linux that you are accustomed to on Windows. Designers might not be fully satisfied with Inkscape, as it doesn’t have the scale of development that Adobe can deliver. But, everyone was used to their Macs and Windows machines so it got no use. Adobe Illustrator est considéré comme le meilleur en matière d'illustration et de conception sous Windows et Mac, mais l'application n'est pas disponible sous Linux. Learn how your comment data is processed. Inkscape peut cloner un dessin «en direct» et le lier entre eux, permettant ainsi aux concepteurs de créer des images identiques. Inkscape prend en charge le texte multiligne, y compris l’envoi de textes le long d’un chemin. Your email address will not be published. Gravit has a beautiful UI that lets you take advantage of its simplicity to build website mockups, icons, poster flyers, print media, illustrations, presentations, and a host of other creative designs. ADVERTISEMENTS. Users can freely import and export SVG files into the editor, like any other vector editing tool, despite being a browser app. La prise en charge des opérations de tracé de dessin complexes est prise en charge, de même que l’aplatissement, l’arrondi, ainsi que les effets tourbillonnement / pincement. Los usuarios no pueden simplemente dirigirse al sitio web de Adobe, descargar un instalador y ponerlo en marcha. Windows、macOS、Linuxで利用可能なグラフィックエディタで、主に数学の教科書などで見かけるグラフやイラストの作成に使用されるやや高度なツール。 いかがでしたでしょう。Illustratorがなくても、十分にベクターファイルの作成や編集を Photoshop 3 was running under Irix, sgi’s Unix. Your email address will not be published. Alternatively, check out our in-depth tutorial on how to install Inkscape on Linux! This is presumably because of the tiny market share that Desktop Linux currently has. Though more and more software has come to Linux over the years, there’s one software developer that remains elusive: Adobe. The PlayOnLinux tool is widely used by gamers, and general users alike. This script is hosted on GitHub, so make sure you have the Git package on your system. Martins Divine Okoi is a Computer Science graduate with a passion for Linux and Open Source software. That said, it’s an excellent drop-in replacement if you’re looking for a solid alternative to Adobe’s Illustrator app on Linux. Discussion successfully moved from Creative Suites to The Lounge. Creative Cloud cloud through PlayOnLinux isn’t perfect, but it will allow you to get roughly the same Illustrator experience on Linux that you are accustomed to on Windows. Various text operation supports and rendering. On the next page, click the “browse” button to open up a dialog window. Color selector, color picker tool, pattern fills, dashed strokes and path markers are included. What vector creation tool set do you use for your graphics, illustrations, and mockup designs on Linux? The manager will take you through the necessary steps to get the program working on your Linux system. Inkscape is an open source project, so it is readily available on all prominent Linux distributions, and even Snap and Flatpak. Il fonctionne dans n’importe quel navigateur et remplace parfaitement Adobe Illustrator si vous n’avez pas à faire un travail difficile. Inkscape possède une excellente interface utilisateur qui, bien que non similaire à Illustrator, est facile à prendre en main et à utiliser. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. How to install Adobe Illustrator CS6 on Ubuntu 16.10 - YouTube Gravit is free to use without charge (gratis), but it isn’t open source (libre) – so no, there is no public access to the project’s code. Not every single Adobe CC app is going to work on your Linux PC. La capacité de PlayOnLinux à télécharger plusieurs versions de Wine garantit que Creative Cloud fonctionne avec un bon nombre de distributions avec peu de complications. If you’re in dire need of getting the absolute latest Adobe Creative Cloud apps working on your Linux PC, your best bet may to install a Windows 10 virtual machine in Virtualbox, Gnome Boxes or Virt-Manager. The login page will open in a new tab. Ventoy – An Open Source Tool to Create Bootable... How To Change App Icons On IOS 14 Home Screen. Creating unlimited variations of simulations, viewing in 3d without using stereoscopic imaging. My goal is to provide an informational website available to all linux users. When PlayOnLinux finishes executing the script, you’ll be able to download and install any of the Adobe Creative Cloud programs. Peut gérer plusieurs types de formats de fichiers différents (ODG, SVG, WPG, WMF, EPS / PS.). Si vous souhaitez le faire fonctionner sur votre système, ouvrez une fenêtre de terminal, recherchez «Inkscape» et installez-le. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. First, open up PlayOnLinux. Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard vector graphics software that’s used by millions of designers and artists to create everything from gorgeous web and mobile graphics to logos, icons, book illustrations, product packaging, and billboards.. There’s even more to your free membership. Required fields are marked *. Instead, with a script you can install Adobe Creative Cloud apps on Linux. Gravit – A Free Adobe Illustrator Alternative for Linux. Donc, si vous êtes récemment passé à une source ouverte, Inkscape supports several types of image manipulation styles, which is handy for designers. Quickly read it over, and select the “I agree” box to move to the next step. 本文介绍适用于Linux操作系统的4种最佳Adobe Illustrator替代软件:Inkscape、Karbon、Vector Paint、Adobe Creative Cloud (PlayOnLinux)。Adobe Illustrator在Windows和Mac上的插图和设计方面被认为是最好的,但 Dites-nous dans la section commentaires en bas! Don’t let the fact that Vector Paint is in a web browser fool you, it has some serious power, such as text styling, image exporting via the SVG format, as well as layering and grid features on par with the likes of apps like Inkscape.
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