A watchman, it seems, had been employed to keep his post at thedoor of a house which was infected, or said to be infected, and wasshut up. But after thesickness was over, that spirit of charity abated; and every churchbeing again supplied with their own ministers, or others presentedwhere the minister was dead, things returned to their old channel again. One saw his very face, andcried out what a glorious creature he was! April 15th 2013: missing sections of this book have been recorded, and the whole book recatalogued. 'WHEREAS in the reign of our late Sovereign King James, of happymemory, an Act was made for the charitable relief and ordering ofpersons infected with the plague, whereby authority was given tojustices of the peace, mayors, bailiffs, and other head-officers toappoint within their several limits examiners, searchers, watchmen,keepers, and buriers for the persons and places infected, and tominister unto them oaths for the performance of their offices. I am speaking now of people made desperate by the apprehensionsof their being shut up, and their breaking out by stratagem or force,either before or after they were shut up, whose misery was notlessened when they were out, but sadly increased. 0000004421 00000 n 'That where several inmate,-c are in one and the same house, andany person in that house happens to be infected, no other person orfamily of such house shall be suffered to remove him or themselveswithout a certificate from the examiners of health of that parish; or indefault thereof, the house whither he or they so remove shall be shutup as in case of visitation. Again, the public showed that they would bear their share in. I shall name but a few of these things; but sure theywere so many, and so many wizards and cunning people propagatingthem, that I have often wondered there was any (women especially)left behind. that in the parish of St Giles it was gotten intoseveral streets, and several families lay all sick together; and,accordingly, in the weekly bill for the next week the thing began toshow itself. If you are still wondering how to get free PDF EPUB of book A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe. We had no such thing as printed newspapers in those days to spreadrumours and reports of things, and to improve them by the inventionof men, as I have lived to see practised since. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive, Uploaded by And some had the assurance to tell them the plague wasbegun already, which was too true, though they that said so knewnothing of the matter. 'That the laystalls be removed as far as may be out of the city andcommon passages, and that no nightman or other be suffered to emptya vault into any garden near about the city. xÚb```b``^ÎÀÂÀÀúø¢,¨X»fñí1{ÐÑÈËäßÒÏyOÐBcOÂ\E£Cv-Ç8£Ä4fX*Ì;¨èxé"Xvr4 v¨[ØO÷ÐåXKGÐå¾ Secrets and Guardians: Devious Intentions, The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business, The Life, Adventures and Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton, The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Tour Through the Eastern Counties of England, Are there any more good books set in Roman times. It was a very ill time to be sick in, for if any one complained, it wasimmediately said he had the plague; and though I had indeed nosymptom of that distemper, yet being very ill, both in my head and inmy stomach, I was not without apprehension that I really wasinfected; but in about three days I grew better; the third night I restedwell, sweated a little, and was much refreshed. By this, however, the number of people in the whole may be judgedof; and, indeed, I often wondered that, after the prodigious numbers ofpeople that went away at first, there was yet so great a multitude leftas it appeared there was. Others saw apparitions in the air; and I must be allowed tosay of both, I hope without breach of charity, that they heard voicesthat never spake, and saw sights that never appeared; but theimagination of the people was really turned wayward and possessed.And no wonder, if they who were poring continually at the clouds sawshapes and figures, representations and appearances, which hadnothing in them but air, and vapour. Another encounter I had in the open day also; and this was in goingthrough a narrow passage from Petty France into BishopsgateChurchyard, by a row of alms-houses. Duringthis interval the master of the house took his opportunity to break alarge hole through his shop into a bulk or stall, where formerly acobbler had sat, before or under his shop-window; but the tenant, asmay be supposed at such a dismal time as that, was dead or removed,and so he had the key in his own keeping. This to be done by the appointmentof an examiner. Likewise in the next week, from the 11th of July to the 18th, whenthe week's bill was 1761, yet there died no more of the plague, on thewhole Southwark side of the water, than sixteen.But this face of things soon changed, and it began to thicken inCripplegate parish especially, and in Clarkenwell; so that by thesecond week in August, Cripplegate parish alone buried 886, andClarkenwell 155. 'First, it is thought requisite, and so ordered, that in every parishthere be one, two, or more persons of good sort and credit chosen andappointed by the alderman, his deputy, and common council of everyward, by the name of examiners, to continue in that office the space oftwo months at least. Till this week the city continued free, there having never any died,except that one Frenchman whom I mentioned before, within thewhole ninety-seven parishes. He told me the same thing which I argued for my staying, viz.,that I would trust God with my safety and health, was the strongestrepulse to my pretensions of losing my trade and my goods; 'for', sayshe, 'is it not as reasonable that you should trust God with the chance orrisk of losing your trade, as that you should stay in so eminent a pointof danger, and trust Him with your life?'. I desired him to let me consider of it but tillthe next day, and I would resolve: and as I had already preparedeverything as well as I could as to MY business, and whom to entrustmy affairs with, I had little to do but to resolve. Stop the dead-cart.' But it is not lessening their character or their skill, to saythey could not cure those that had the tokens upon them, or those whowere mortally infected before the physicians were sent for, as wasfrequently the case. Soon after, as the fellow said, he stopped thedead-cart, and then knocked again, but nobody answered. So this poornaked creature cried, 'Oh, the great and the dreadful God!' For example, in Coleman Street there are abundance of alleys, asappears still. startxref 'Ay, good woman,' says the doctor, 'so I do, as I publishedthere. In thetwo first of them, however, they were entirely mistaken, for we had nodroughty season, but in the beginning of the year a hard frost, whichlasted from December almost to March, and after that moderateweather, rather warm than hot, with refreshing winds, and, in short,very seasonable weather, and also several very great rains. This hurry, I say, continued some weeks, that is to say, all the monthof May and June, and the more because it was rumoured that an orderof the Government was to be issued out to place turnpikes and barrierson the road to prevent people travelling, and that the towns on theroad would not suffer people from London to pass for fear of bringingthe infection along with them, though neither of these rumours hadany foundation but in the imagination, especially at-first. 'That the burial of the dead by this visitation be at most convenienthours, always either before sun-rising or after sun-setting, with theprivity of the churchwardens or constable, and not otherwise; and thatno neighbours nor friends be suffered to accompany the corpse tochurch, or to enter the house visited, upon pain of having his houseshut up or be imprisoned. 'That the constables see every house shut up, and to be attended withwatchmen, which may keep them in, and minister necessaries untothem at their own charges, if they be able, or at the common charge, ifthey are unable; the shutting up to be for the space of four weeks afterall be whole. And that the physicians who shallbe appointed for cure and prevention of the infection do call beforethem the said searchers who are, or shall be, appointed for the severalparishes under their respective cares, to the end they may considerwhether they are fitly qualified for that employment, and charge themfrom time to time as they shall see cause, if they appear defective intheir duties. All this while no noise had been heard in thehouse, no light had been seen; they called for nothing, sent him of noerrands, which used to be the chief business of the watchmen; neitherhad they given him any disturbance, as he said, from the Mondayafternoon, when he heard great crying and screaming in the house,which, as he supposed, was occasioned by some of the family dyingjust at that time.
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